1. Jacek BENDKOWSKI – Individual profit resulting from participation in informal knowledge networks ………………………………………………………………….
2. Józef BENDKOWSKI – Qualitative research – selected problems of applied logistics reference …………………………………………………………………….
3. Jolanta BIJAŃSKA – Modeling and simulation in investments planning in production enterprises ……………………………………………………………...
4. Jolanta BIJAŃSKA, Krzysztof WODARSKI, Janusz WÓJCIK – Decisions in production preparation of new product in small and medium-sized enterprises …..
5. Jan BRZÓSKA – Application of the balanced scorecard to measure value created by power companies business models ………………………………………………..
6. Katarzyna DOHN – Disruptions identification in the knowledge sharing process on the various levels of the supply chain ……………………………………………..
7. Henryk DŹWIGOŁ – Special task manager ………………………………………..
8. Mariola DŹWIGOŁ-BAROSZ – Business leader in the time of a crisis …………..
9. Agnieszka GASCHI-UCIECHA – Study degree of implementation of risk management in small and medium enterprises – results ……………………………..
10. Magdalena GĘBCZYŃSKA – Dimensions of performance measurement system in small and medium enterprises ……………………………………………………..
11. Jadwiga GRABOWSKA – Evaluation factors that shape logistic information system in the distribution channels coal ……………………………………………...
12. Adam GUMIŃSKI – Effective usage of human resources as a key determinant of a long-term activity of a coal company …………………………………………...
13. Piotr JANKE – Responsive web design analysis of selected public administration platform of e-services in Poland ……………………………………………………...
14. Marzena KRAMARZ, DAGMARA JAROSZ-LEWANDOWSKA – Context of cooperation climate in configuration of distribution network of metallurgical products ………………………………………..……………………………………...
15. Włodzimierz KRAMARZ – Examining of disruptions and zones of strengthening them in material flows of metallurgical products …………………………………….
16. Mariusz KRUCZEK, Edyta PRZYBYLSKA, Zbigniew ŻEBRUCKI – Logistic as a potential, smart specialization in Silesia …………………………………………
17. Mariusz KRUCZEK, Edyta PRZYBYLSKA, Zbigniew ŻEBRUCKI – Logistic in national and regional smart specializations ………………………………………..
18. Anna KWIOTKOWSKA – Testing high performance configurations by using qualitative comparative analysis ……………………………………………………...
19. Filip LIEBERT – Early access service for product in digital distribution from customer perspective based on STEAM platform ……………………………………
20. Katarzyna ŁYP – Health care system in Poland – mechanism of operation ………..
21. Mirosław MATUSEK – Triadic sourcing strategy success factors – case study …...
22. Anna MICHNA, Roman KMIECIAK – An analysis of the market conditions for the activity of real estate developers ……………………………………………...
23. Anna MUSIOŁ-URBAŃCZYK – Competence requirements of a project manager in an intelligent organisation …………………………………………………………
24. Anna MUSIOŁ-URBAŃCZYK, Barbara SORYCHTA-WOJSCZYK – Development of public e-services in the cities with poviat rights of the Silesian voivodeship …………………………………………………………………………...
25. Monika ODLANICKA-POCZOBUTT – An institutional inertia in relation to innovative solutions in common judiciary in civil cases …………………………..
26. Monika ODLANICKA-POCZOBUTT, Lilla KNOP – Development and functioning of the networks in the light of endogenous approach ……………….
27. Monika ODLANICKA-POCZOBUTT, Ewa KULIŃSKA, Katarzyna WARZECHA – Modelling of relationship with supplier based on experience of CRM – survey research ……………………………………………………………
28. Magdalena PICHLAK – New product innovativeness – a multidimensional approach ………………………………………………………………………………
29. Marzena PODGÓRSKA – The success in the project management – the issue of its definition and evaluation in view of the results of the empirical research ……..
30. Katarzyna SIENKIEWICZ-MAŁYJUREK – Innovativeness of co-production in local public management …………………………………………………………..
31. Barbara SORYCHTA-WOJSCZYK – The implementation of an integrated B2B information system as a source of innovation in the aspect of building an intelligent organisation in a chosen enterprise of small and medium enterprises sector ………...
32. Kamil SZYMAŃSKI – European interregional cooperation for the development of smart specialization as an example Vanguad Initiative ……………………………
33. Seweryn TCHÓRZEWSKI – Risk in implementation of reinforcing and liquidation of wall – forming factors and ways of response ……………………..
34. Joanna TOCZYŃSKA – Modeling and simulation of management in the education system at university …………………………………………………………………..
35. Mateusz TRZECIAK – Analysis of project stakeholders attributes determining project success ………………………………………………………………………..
36. Marian TUREK, Izabela JONEK-KOWALSKA – Net export of hard coal in Poland in context of price competitivness of Polish mining enterprises …………..
37. Maria WENGIEREK – Conditions of waste management for the disposal of asbestos and products containing asbestos ………………………………………...
38. Karolina WIELICKA-GAŃCZARCZYK – Reasons for the restructuring of public hospitals …………………………………………………………………….
39. Dorota WIĘCEK – Variant approach to cost estimation of machine elements …….
40. Krzysztof WODARSKI – The role and core activities of the project management office within the public university ……………………………………………………
41. Mateusz ZACZYK – The synchronization of logistic processes in terms of dependability and resilience of the system of distribution of steel products ………
42. Wojciech ZOLEŃSKI – Complexity of the problem situations ……………………
środa, 15 czerwca 2016
2016 - Zeszyt 88
FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 7
1. Artur BISKUPEK, Seweryn SPAŁEK − Qualifications of project manager and project success ............................................................................................................... 11
2. Emil BUKŁAHA − Evaluation of procedures in operative project controlling −results of research 2014-2015............................................................................................... 37
3. Paweł CABAŁA − Preference consistency analysis in the process of making strategic decisions ............................................................................................................................... 53
4. Monika CHŁĄD − Elements of implementation of corporate social responsibility in an enterprise ..................................................................................................................... 63
5. Grażyna DĘBICKA-OZORKIEWICZ − Improvement of craft organizations using the national training fund ..................................................................................................... 75
6. Łukasz GAWOR, Katarzyna NOWIŃSKA − Project management exemplified on the recovery of coal from coal mining waste dump ........................................................ 87
7. Dorota GAWROŃSKA − Multicriterial model of evaluation of offers public contracts concerning means of transport ............................................................................................. 97
8. Milena GOJNY-ZBIEROWSKA − Shaping HRM strategy in high performance work systems ...................................................................................................................... 115
9. Marcin GOŁEMBSKI, Grzegorz WOJTKOWIAK − The importance of risk in the implementation of the HR function in the enterprise ............................................... 127
10. Magdalena GORZELANY-DZIADKOWIEC − Diagnosis and improvement of learning organization on the example of a small enterprise ........................................ 139
11. Magdalena KOKOWSKA-PAWŁOWSKA − Methods of industrial waste management from the point of view strategy of company in environmental protection 151
12. Monika KOZERSKA − Evaluation and analysis of information systems and technology on the courier company X ...................................................................... 165
13. Małgorzata KURAŚ, Sylwia ŁĘGOWIK-ŚWIĄCIK, Marcin STĘPIEŃ −
Efficiency of management of intangible resources in a smart enterprise ........................ 183
14. Andrzej ŁODZIŃSKI − Multicriteria optimization for decision making in negotiation process ....................................................................................................... 197
15. Justyna ŁUKOMSKA-SZAREK − The role of benchmarking in evaluation of strategic management in local self-government .......................................................... 209
16. Agata MESJASZ-LECH − Factors determining the recovery rates of end-of-life vehicles in the context of reverse logistics − a model presentation ................................. 219
17. Tomasz NITKIEWICZ, Dorota JELONEK, Lilla KNOP − Decision rulesdetermining LCA use in selected business model types of SMES ................................. 235
18. Magdalena PICHLAK − Knowledge management in the innovation activity ................. 255
19. Łukasz PIETRYCH − The theory of stable allocations as a tool of design economics ... 265
20. Krzysztof SKRZYPCZYK − Games against nature application for modelling prediction uncertainty in the collision free motion planning ........................................... 277
21. Janusz STRUŻYNA, Krzysztof KANIA − Strategic challenges of gamification ........... 289
22. Izabela SZTANGRET − Marketing management of global organizationsof information system product in the case of sustainable development concept ............. 299
23. Danuta SZWAJCA − Innovation ambition matrix as a tool for management of innovations portfolio in the enterprise ......................................................................... 321
24. Katarzyna TWOREK − Reliability model of information systems in organization ........ 335
25. Katarzyna TWOREK, Janusz MARTAN − Systematics of human team diversity dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 343
26. Katarzyna TWOREK, Katarzyna WALECKA-JANKOWSKA,
Janusz MARTAN − Complementary impact of information technologyand knowledge management on innovation ..................................................................... 353
27. Bogusława ZIÓŁKOWSKA − Conditions of age management in enterprises ................ 363
1. Artur BISKUPEK, Seweryn SPAŁEK − Qualifications of project manager and project success ............................................................................................................... 11
2. Emil BUKŁAHA − Evaluation of procedures in operative project controlling −results of research 2014-2015............................................................................................... 37
3. Paweł CABAŁA − Preference consistency analysis in the process of making strategic decisions ............................................................................................................................... 53
4. Monika CHŁĄD − Elements of implementation of corporate social responsibility in an enterprise ..................................................................................................................... 63
5. Grażyna DĘBICKA-OZORKIEWICZ − Improvement of craft organizations using the national training fund ..................................................................................................... 75
6. Łukasz GAWOR, Katarzyna NOWIŃSKA − Project management exemplified on the recovery of coal from coal mining waste dump ........................................................ 87
7. Dorota GAWROŃSKA − Multicriterial model of evaluation of offers public contracts concerning means of transport ............................................................................................. 97
8. Milena GOJNY-ZBIEROWSKA − Shaping HRM strategy in high performance work systems ...................................................................................................................... 115
9. Marcin GOŁEMBSKI, Grzegorz WOJTKOWIAK − The importance of risk in the implementation of the HR function in the enterprise ............................................... 127
10. Magdalena GORZELANY-DZIADKOWIEC − Diagnosis and improvement of learning organization on the example of a small enterprise ........................................ 139
11. Magdalena KOKOWSKA-PAWŁOWSKA − Methods of industrial waste management from the point of view strategy of company in environmental protection 151
12. Monika KOZERSKA − Evaluation and analysis of information systems and technology on the courier company X ...................................................................... 165
13. Małgorzata KURAŚ, Sylwia ŁĘGOWIK-ŚWIĄCIK, Marcin STĘPIEŃ −
Efficiency of management of intangible resources in a smart enterprise ........................ 183
14. Andrzej ŁODZIŃSKI − Multicriteria optimization for decision making in negotiation process ....................................................................................................... 197
15. Justyna ŁUKOMSKA-SZAREK − The role of benchmarking in evaluation of strategic management in local self-government .......................................................... 209
16. Agata MESJASZ-LECH − Factors determining the recovery rates of end-of-life vehicles in the context of reverse logistics − a model presentation ................................. 219
17. Tomasz NITKIEWICZ, Dorota JELONEK, Lilla KNOP − Decision rulesdetermining LCA use in selected business model types of SMES ................................. 235
18. Magdalena PICHLAK − Knowledge management in the innovation activity ................. 255
19. Łukasz PIETRYCH − The theory of stable allocations as a tool of design economics ... 265
20. Krzysztof SKRZYPCZYK − Games against nature application for modelling prediction uncertainty in the collision free motion planning ........................................... 277
21. Janusz STRUŻYNA, Krzysztof KANIA − Strategic challenges of gamification ........... 289
22. Izabela SZTANGRET − Marketing management of global organizationsof information system product in the case of sustainable development concept ............. 299
23. Danuta SZWAJCA − Innovation ambition matrix as a tool for management of innovations portfolio in the enterprise ......................................................................... 321
24. Katarzyna TWOREK − Reliability model of information systems in organization ........ 335
25. Katarzyna TWOREK, Janusz MARTAN − Systematics of human team diversity dimensions ........................................................................................................................ 343
26. Katarzyna TWOREK, Katarzyna WALECKA-JANKOWSKA,
Janusz MARTAN − Complementary impact of information technologyand knowledge management on innovation ..................................................................... 353
27. Bogusława ZIÓŁKOWSKA − Conditions of age management in enterprises ................ 363
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