INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 7
1. DŹWIGOŁ-BAROSZ M. − Best practice method in the process of transforming business into an intelligent organization ............................................................................. 9
2. ERBE A. − Cost estimation accuracy for industrial plant engineering vs. building construction business ........................................................................................................ 33
3. FURMANKIEWICZ J., FURMANKIEWICZ M., ZIUZIAŃSKI P. − Implementation of business intelligence performance dashboard for the knowledge management in organization ............................................................................................. 43
4. HERMAN K., NARAMSKI M., SZROMEK A.R. − Elements of knowledge management and innovations in industrial tourism based on Industrial Monuments Route in the Silesia region........................................................................................................... 61
5. HERMAN K., NARAMSKI M., SZROMEK A.R. − Touristic needs of primary and secondary schools and their role in creation of tourism products .............................. 73
6. JEDYNAK Z. − Structure of logistic enterprises ............................................................ 89
7. KRZYSZKOWSKA P. − Dismissal of employees as inescapable process within every company’s activity ..................................................................................... 101
8. KULIKOWSKI K. − Applying cross industry standard process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) for employees attitudes and opinion research........................................... 111
9. MAŁKUCH-ŚWITALSKA J., TRIPPNER-HRABI J. − Support programs to help facilitate the management of PHD candidate’s career in Poland, proposed by NGO’s. An example of Association for PHD candidates and PHD Career development POLDOC........................................................................ 123
10. MARSZOWSKI R. − Demand for qualified staff in coal mining industry. State and perspectives ..................................................................................................... 135
11. MUSZER D., KRAUSE M. − The example of occupational risk assessment at workplace laboratory-sampler..................................................................................... 149
12. PROBIERZ K. − The analysis of logistical and information flows in the selected enterprise related to the implementation of production processes .................................. 165
13. SALA P. – The scope of responsibility company on the example of ISO 26000 .......... 173
14. SOROKA T. − Developing the innovation potential factors of the Polish companies.. 187
15. SIDERSKA J. − System analysis of the market in Poland............................................ 201
16. SIROLA M. − Perspectives in science – interdisciplinary examples in data-analysis visualization and political decision making .................................................................... 213
17. SKALNY A., BIAŁECKA B. − Directions of postindustrial areas transformation – case studies...................................................................................................................... 227
18. STOPCZYŃSKI B. − The impact of social media on organization strategy................ 241
19. SZWIEC P. − Properties and results of staff suggestion systems in an organization.... 251
20. ŚLĘZOK M., ŁUCZAK K. − The influence of chemical composition on them machinability................................................................................................................... 261
21. SYNOWIEC M., SZROMEK A.R. − The importance of naming of urban space elements in the creation of city marketing strategy and managing its space – case study of Zabrze city................................................................................................ 273
22. SZROMEK A. R. − Realization of SPA function in health resorts of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship ................................................................................ 289
23. TOMKIEWICZ K., MAJCHROWSKA G. − Social games on the educational field – choosing direction of study. Preliminary research............................................... 301
24. WALTHER M. − Cooperation in the form of consortia – evaluation of risks, opportunities and criteria for the selection of business partners ..................................... 311
25. WANDZICH D., PŁAZA G., ŻURAKOWSKI Z. − Prevention exposures of chemicals and risk assessment for selected workstations in the plant invited in the manufacture of plastic and explosives .................................................................. 329
26. WOLNIAK R. − Power distance one of cultural dimension from Hofstede typology and implementation of the concept of corporate social responsibility in organizations . 343
27. WOLNIAK R. − The functioning of e-government from the perspective of people with disabilities on the example of the city council in Gliwice ...................................... 359
28. WOLNIAK R. − Assessment of the functioning of e-government in the Dąbrowa Górnicza municipal office from the person with disabilities point of view................... 369
29. WRYCOL A. − Virtual data rooms in managing due diligence process....................... 385
30. ZENDLA S., WOLNIAK R. − Customer dissatisfaction eradication areas with methods and tools of quality management and the introduction of improvement in the international airport .................................................................... 397
poniedziałek, 7 września 2015
wtorek, 1 września 2015
2015 - Zeszyt 80
INTRODUCTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 7
1. BARON-WIATEREK M., GRZANKA I.: The organization of solving social problems by the local government ....................................................................................... 9
2. BARTOCHOWSKA D., FERENC R.: Maintenance support instruments in small and medium-sized enterprises ............................................................................................ 21
3. BRZOSTEK K., MICHNA A.: The implementation of a knowledge management system in the SME sector ................................................................................................... 51
4. CAPUTA W.: The perception and measurement of customer value in the value distribution channels on the example of brewing industry ............................. 67
5. CZERWIŃSKA-LUBSZCZYK A., MICHNA A., SCHLEUDER F., WALTHER M.: The comparison of Polish and German construction companies in the context of chosen aspects of inter-organizational cooperation............................................................ 83
6. DOMAŃSKA A.: The rights of the research institution as an employer to the scientific work of an employee .................................................................................... 99
7. FIAŁKOWSKA A., PARKITNA A.: Use of the financial audit in the process of effective management .................................................................................................. 121
8. JUSZCZAK-WIŚNIEWSKA A., LIGARSKI M.J.: Veryfication of effectivness of a research tool drawn up to analyze problems in quality management systems .......... 133
9. KAPCZYŃSKI A.: Management engineers in the world full of digital possibilities ...... 143
10. KOCHMAŃSKA A.: Variables deciding organizational innovation implementation efficiency: the case of service company ........................................................................... 151
11. KORDEL P., MACHNIK-SŁOMKA J.: Technology entrepreneurship and creativity as development mechanisms of high-tech organizations ................................................. 163
12. KOWALSKA-STYCZEŃ A.: Organization as complex adaptive system ...................... 179
13. MILEWSKA E.: Automated demand management in the cells of the distribution network – case study ........................................................................................................ 189
14. MYTYCH J., LIGARSKI M.J.: Investigating the conditions for functioning of the accredited quality management system in a research laboratory – research concept ...... 203
15. OBER J.: Globalization and psychological aspects of change management in organizations .................................................................................................................... 217
16. STACHOWICZ J., KRANNICH M., KORDEL P.: The sources of strategic threats that are specific to high-tech innovative companies ........................................................ 229
17. STAWIARSKA E.: Use of modern information technology in teaching CSR forwarders and transporters .............................................................................................. 239
18. STROJEK-FILUS M.: Comprehensive income valuation and financial report’s presentation versus management purposes ...................................................................... 253
19. SZEWIECZEK A.: Accounting simplification in the management of micro and medium-sized health care entities.............................................................................. 267
20. SZUMIGAJ K.: Project “E-matura” innovative technology management in the process of education ............................................................................................... 281
21. TCHÓRZEWSKI S., WIELICKA-GAŃCZARCZYK K.: Students perception of project management usefulness in the future professional manager’s career .............. 297
22. URBAŃSKI M.: Managing culture of organization, manager role ................................. 321
23. ZDONEK I., ZDONEK D.: Analysis of creative process and creative professions in Poland ........................................................................................................................... 339
24. ZDONEK I., MULARCZYK A.: The analysis of creative education centers from the perspective of shaping the creative class in polish society .............................................. 353
25. ZIEMSKI J.: Duration of shares in short period ............................................................. 369
1. BARON-WIATEREK M., GRZANKA I.: The organization of solving social problems by the local government ....................................................................................... 9
2. BARTOCHOWSKA D., FERENC R.: Maintenance support instruments in small and medium-sized enterprises ............................................................................................ 21
3. BRZOSTEK K., MICHNA A.: The implementation of a knowledge management system in the SME sector ................................................................................................... 51
4. CAPUTA W.: The perception and measurement of customer value in the value distribution channels on the example of brewing industry ............................. 67
5. CZERWIŃSKA-LUBSZCZYK A., MICHNA A., SCHLEUDER F., WALTHER M.: The comparison of Polish and German construction companies in the context of chosen aspects of inter-organizational cooperation............................................................ 83
6. DOMAŃSKA A.: The rights of the research institution as an employer to the scientific work of an employee .................................................................................... 99
7. FIAŁKOWSKA A., PARKITNA A.: Use of the financial audit in the process of effective management .................................................................................................. 121
8. JUSZCZAK-WIŚNIEWSKA A., LIGARSKI M.J.: Veryfication of effectivness of a research tool drawn up to analyze problems in quality management systems .......... 133
9. KAPCZYŃSKI A.: Management engineers in the world full of digital possibilities ...... 143
10. KOCHMAŃSKA A.: Variables deciding organizational innovation implementation efficiency: the case of service company ........................................................................... 151
11. KORDEL P., MACHNIK-SŁOMKA J.: Technology entrepreneurship and creativity as development mechanisms of high-tech organizations ................................................. 163
12. KOWALSKA-STYCZEŃ A.: Organization as complex adaptive system ...................... 179
13. MILEWSKA E.: Automated demand management in the cells of the distribution network – case study ........................................................................................................ 189
14. MYTYCH J., LIGARSKI M.J.: Investigating the conditions for functioning of the accredited quality management system in a research laboratory – research concept ...... 203
15. OBER J.: Globalization and psychological aspects of change management in organizations .................................................................................................................... 217
16. STACHOWICZ J., KRANNICH M., KORDEL P.: The sources of strategic threats that are specific to high-tech innovative companies ........................................................ 229
17. STAWIARSKA E.: Use of modern information technology in teaching CSR forwarders and transporters .............................................................................................. 239
18. STROJEK-FILUS M.: Comprehensive income valuation and financial report’s presentation versus management purposes ...................................................................... 253
19. SZEWIECZEK A.: Accounting simplification in the management of micro and medium-sized health care entities.............................................................................. 267
20. SZUMIGAJ K.: Project “E-matura” innovative technology management in the process of education ............................................................................................... 281
21. TCHÓRZEWSKI S., WIELICKA-GAŃCZARCZYK K.: Students perception of project management usefulness in the future professional manager’s career .............. 297
22. URBAŃSKI M.: Managing culture of organization, manager role ................................. 321
23. ZDONEK I., ZDONEK D.: Analysis of creative process and creative professions in Poland ........................................................................................................................... 339
24. ZDONEK I., MULARCZYK A.: The analysis of creative education centers from the perspective of shaping the creative class in polish society .............................................. 353
25. ZIEMSKI J.: Duration of shares in short period ............................................................. 369
2015 - Zeszyt 79
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 7
1. ADAMCZEWSKI P.: E-logistics in development of the intelligent organization ............. 9
2. BAJCAR B., BABIAK J.: Polish manager’s leadership styles – organizational determinants ...................................................................................................................... 21
3. BERNY D., WANDZICH D., PŁAZA G.: Challenges for biofules sector under growing bioeceonomy ...................................................................................................... 41
4. DUDEK-BURLIKOWSKA M.: Self-assement of employess in accordance with EN ISO 9004:2010 in the chodes enterprise – case study ................................................ 57
5. HEYDUK A., BORON S., JOOSTBERENS J., PIELOT J.: Empirical model of human body impedance for needs of assesment of hazard of dangerous to health and life electric shock ........................................................................................ 67
6. HILAROWICZ A.: The concept of an employee in contemporary models of human resources management ...................................................................................................... 77
7. JACH K.: Social innovation by example of Pomeranian Competences Center .............. 87
8. KARWOT J.: Strategy for innovation development of companies in utilities in cooperation with scientific-research institutions .......................................................... 99
9. KNOSALA B.: About new relation between art, technology and humanities in theoretical approaches and social practice .................................................................. 113
10. KSIĄŻEK D., LIGARSKI M.J.: Self-evaluation as method of barriers reduction for the organization and development of a quality management system ........................ 127
11. LIGARSKI M.J.: Complex preparation of experts on quality management – experiences from post-graduate education ..................................................................... 141
12. MAĆKOWIAK E.: Principles of financing the education system by local government units on example of the municipality of Tychy .......................................... 151
13. MAŃKA-SZULIK M.: Local government as a factor of local and regional development .................................................................................................................... 165
14. MARUSZEWSKA E.W.: Ethical aspects of accounting decisions made by managers in the context of agency and stakeholders theories ........................................ 179
15. MICHALSKA-ĆWIEK J.: Improving the quality management services ...................... 191
16. NADZIAKIEWICZ M.: The selected aspects of organizational changes’ management in the health care units ............................................................................... 205
17. NAWROCKI T.: Problems of measuring and assessing enterprises innovativeness ..... 217
18. NOWROT A., BORON S.: The new technology methods in physical chemistry and materials science of higher performance of processing techniques in the coal industry and energy ......................................................................................................... 227
19. NOWROT A., JOOSTBERENS J.: The influence of recent microelectronics and nanotechnology research for industrial processes safety ......................................... 235
20. OLKO S.: Researching competence in ICT clusters – perspective of knowledge management .................................................................................................................... 245
21. PRAŁAT E.: Analysis of group buying in Poland ......................................................... 261
22. ROŻAŁOWSKA B., MACEŁKO M.: City as a learning organization. About the importance of smart city (citizen) concept in the information society .......... 271
23. RYSZKO A.: Environmental management from the perspective of economics, technological sciences and humanities selected issues and challenges ....................... 285
24. SWOROWSKA A.: Inter-organizational linkages of science. The case from Poland ..................................................................................................... 299
25. SZAFRANIEC M.: Issue of environmental aspects internalization to decision-making processes in the company ................................................................ 309
26. SZWAJCA D.: Cooperation with stakeholders in the field of CSR in the context of building corporate reputation ............................................................... 323
27. WERYŃSKI P.: Measurement of innovation in the SMEs. Methodology of testing tools .......................................................................................... 337
28. WOLNIAK R., SKOTNICKA-ZASADZIEŃ B.: Satisfaction of customer with disability from services rendered on the example of the Municipial Office of the city Rybnik ........................................................................................................... 357
29. WOŹNIAK J.W.: Interpersonal communication barriers in workplaces ....................... 367
1. ADAMCZEWSKI P.: E-logistics in development of the intelligent organization ............. 9
2. BAJCAR B., BABIAK J.: Polish manager’s leadership styles – organizational determinants ...................................................................................................................... 21
3. BERNY D., WANDZICH D., PŁAZA G.: Challenges for biofules sector under growing bioeceonomy ...................................................................................................... 41
4. DUDEK-BURLIKOWSKA M.: Self-assement of employess in accordance with EN ISO 9004:2010 in the chodes enterprise – case study ................................................ 57
5. HEYDUK A., BORON S., JOOSTBERENS J., PIELOT J.: Empirical model of human body impedance for needs of assesment of hazard of dangerous to health and life electric shock ........................................................................................ 67
6. HILAROWICZ A.: The concept of an employee in contemporary models of human resources management ...................................................................................................... 77
7. JACH K.: Social innovation by example of Pomeranian Competences Center .............. 87
8. KARWOT J.: Strategy for innovation development of companies in utilities in cooperation with scientific-research institutions .......................................................... 99
9. KNOSALA B.: About new relation between art, technology and humanities in theoretical approaches and social practice .................................................................. 113
10. KSIĄŻEK D., LIGARSKI M.J.: Self-evaluation as method of barriers reduction for the organization and development of a quality management system ........................ 127
11. LIGARSKI M.J.: Complex preparation of experts on quality management – experiences from post-graduate education ..................................................................... 141
12. MAĆKOWIAK E.: Principles of financing the education system by local government units on example of the municipality of Tychy .......................................... 151
13. MAŃKA-SZULIK M.: Local government as a factor of local and regional development .................................................................................................................... 165
14. MARUSZEWSKA E.W.: Ethical aspects of accounting decisions made by managers in the context of agency and stakeholders theories ........................................ 179
15. MICHALSKA-ĆWIEK J.: Improving the quality management services ...................... 191
16. NADZIAKIEWICZ M.: The selected aspects of organizational changes’ management in the health care units ............................................................................... 205
17. NAWROCKI T.: Problems of measuring and assessing enterprises innovativeness ..... 217
18. NOWROT A., BORON S.: The new technology methods in physical chemistry and materials science of higher performance of processing techniques in the coal industry and energy ......................................................................................................... 227
19. NOWROT A., JOOSTBERENS J.: The influence of recent microelectronics and nanotechnology research for industrial processes safety ......................................... 235
20. OLKO S.: Researching competence in ICT clusters – perspective of knowledge management .................................................................................................................... 245
21. PRAŁAT E.: Analysis of group buying in Poland ......................................................... 261
22. ROŻAŁOWSKA B., MACEŁKO M.: City as a learning organization. About the importance of smart city (citizen) concept in the information society .......... 271
23. RYSZKO A.: Environmental management from the perspective of economics, technological sciences and humanities selected issues and challenges ....................... 285
24. SWOROWSKA A.: Inter-organizational linkages of science. The case from Poland ..................................................................................................... 299
25. SZAFRANIEC M.: Issue of environmental aspects internalization to decision-making processes in the company ................................................................ 309
26. SZWAJCA D.: Cooperation with stakeholders in the field of CSR in the context of building corporate reputation ............................................................... 323
27. WERYŃSKI P.: Measurement of innovation in the SMEs. Methodology of testing tools .......................................................................................... 337
28. WOLNIAK R., SKOTNICKA-ZASADZIEŃ B.: Satisfaction of customer with disability from services rendered on the example of the Municipial Office of the city Rybnik ........................................................................................................... 357
29. WOŹNIAK J.W.: Interpersonal communication barriers in workplaces ....................... 367
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