INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 7
1. ADAMCZEWSKI P.: E-logistics in development of the intelligent organization ............. 9
2. BAJCAR B., BABIAK J.: Polish manager’s leadership styles – organizational determinants ...................................................................................................................... 21
3. BERNY D., WANDZICH D., PŁAZA G.: Challenges for biofules sector under growing bioeceonomy ...................................................................................................... 41
4. DUDEK-BURLIKOWSKA M.: Self-assement of employess in accordance with EN ISO 9004:2010 in the chodes enterprise – case study ................................................ 57
5. HEYDUK A., BORON S., JOOSTBERENS J., PIELOT J.: Empirical model of human body impedance for needs of assesment of hazard of dangerous to health and life electric shock ........................................................................................ 67
6. HILAROWICZ A.: The concept of an employee in contemporary models of human resources management ...................................................................................................... 77
7. JACH K.: Social innovation by example of Pomeranian Competences Center .............. 87
8. KARWOT J.: Strategy for innovation development of companies in utilities in cooperation with scientific-research institutions .......................................................... 99
9. KNOSALA B.: About new relation between art, technology and humanities in theoretical approaches and social practice .................................................................. 113
10. KSIĄŻEK D., LIGARSKI M.J.: Self-evaluation as method of barriers reduction for the organization and development of a quality management system ........................ 127
11. LIGARSKI M.J.: Complex preparation of experts on quality management – experiences from post-graduate education ..................................................................... 141
12. MAĆKOWIAK E.: Principles of financing the education system by local government units on example of the municipality of Tychy .......................................... 151
13. MAŃKA-SZULIK M.: Local government as a factor of local and regional development .................................................................................................................... 165
14. MARUSZEWSKA E.W.: Ethical aspects of accounting decisions made by managers in the context of agency and stakeholders theories ........................................ 179
15. MICHALSKA-ĆWIEK J.: Improving the quality management services ...................... 191
16. NADZIAKIEWICZ M.: The selected aspects of organizational changes’ management in the health care units ............................................................................... 205
17. NAWROCKI T.: Problems of measuring and assessing enterprises innovativeness ..... 217
18. NOWROT A., BORON S.: The new technology methods in physical chemistry and materials science of higher performance of processing techniques in the coal industry and energy ......................................................................................................... 227
19. NOWROT A., JOOSTBERENS J.: The influence of recent microelectronics and nanotechnology research for industrial processes safety ......................................... 235
20. OLKO S.: Researching competence in ICT clusters – perspective of knowledge management .................................................................................................................... 245
21. PRAŁAT E.: Analysis of group buying in Poland ......................................................... 261
22. ROŻAŁOWSKA B., MACEŁKO M.: City as a learning organization. About the importance of smart city (citizen) concept in the information society .......... 271
23. RYSZKO A.: Environmental management from the perspective of economics, technological sciences and humanities selected issues and challenges ....................... 285
24. SWOROWSKA A.: Inter-organizational linkages of science. The case from Poland ..................................................................................................... 299
25. SZAFRANIEC M.: Issue of environmental aspects internalization to decision-making processes in the company ................................................................ 309
26. SZWAJCA D.: Cooperation with stakeholders in the field of CSR in the context of building corporate reputation ............................................................... 323
27. WERYŃSKI P.: Measurement of innovation in the SMEs. Methodology of testing tools .......................................................................................... 337
28. WOLNIAK R., SKOTNICKA-ZASADZIEŃ B.: Satisfaction of customer with disability from services rendered on the example of the Municipial Office of the city Rybnik ........................................................................................................... 357
29. WOŹNIAK J.W.: Interpersonal communication barriers in workplaces ....................... 367
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