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środa, 19 października 2016
poniedziałek, 17 października 2016
2016 - Zeszyt 93
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 7
1. Agnieszka Izabela BARUK – Reasons ofbuying of Polish products in the context of prosumption activity of final buyers.............................................................................................................................................. 9
2. Jacek BENDKOWSKI – Organizational benefits of informal knowledge networks................ 19
3. Piotr BERNAT, Wojciech B. cIEŚLIŃSKI – Use of ict and augmented reality in smart growth of enterprise 31
5. Krzysztof
BRZOSTEK, Anna MICHNA – An attempt to identify an intermediary variable in the relation between knowledge management and business efficiency of SMEs............................................................................................................................... 51
6. Jan BRZÓSKA – Role of regional specjalist observers in implementation of Regional Innovation Strategy in the Silesian province............................................................................................................................... 61
7. Zbigniew CHYBA – The comparison of technology assessment and selection methods........... 73
8. B. ЧЕРЕП – Incentive politicsof the enterprise...................................................................... 85
9. О.Г. ЧЕРЕП – Components determining the efficiency of innovationprojects industrial enterprises.............................................................................................................. 95
10. Agnieszka DZIUBIŃSKA – Strategies of adjustment of business models of multinational companies to environment of emerging markets............................................ 105
11. Henryk DŹWIGOŁ – Restructuring as tool in the process of modern enterprise development 115
12. Mariola DŹWIGOŁ-BAROSZ – Women’s influence in business......................................... 129
13. Agnieszka
GOŹDZIEWSKA-NOWICKA, Tomasz JANICKI, Urszula SŁUPSKA – crisis management in projects.......................................................................................................................................... 141
14. Sandra GRABOWSKA – Risk analysis ofactions in key business processes....................... 153
15. Krzysztof GROCHOWSKI – Strategic management in enterprisestransport services and education process of students in the field of ERP systems.............................................. 163
16. Adam JANISZEWSKI – Knowledgecreation process within cluster ofcompanies as a base for modeling activities of knowledge brokers............................................................................................................. 173
17. Izabela
JONEK-KOWALSKA, Jarosław ZIEMSKI – Contemporary directions of risk management development from the perspectiveof product lifecycle...................................................................................... 185
18. Marcin KOMAŃDA – Hot knowledge inthe enterprise...................................................... 197
19. Piotr KORDEL – Technology
enetrepreneurship and organizational structures – the outcomes of empirical research...................................................................................... 207
20. Jolanta KORKOSZ-GĘBSKA – Theimplementation of CSR concept in activity of companies of chemical industry.......................................................................................................................................... 221
21. Paweł KOSIŃ – Risk management in thenetworked enterprise........................................... 231
22. Aleksandra KOSZAREK-CYRA –
Pro-environmental initiatives of SMES in the Visegrad Group......................................................................................................... 241
23. Małgorzata KOSZEMBAR-WIKLIK –
Marketing communications a commercialization of new technologies and products......................................................... 251
24. Marzena
KRAMARZ, Kamilla PALKA – Logistics information system in supply chain of blood..................................................................................................................... 261
25. Marek KRANNICH – Personal approach and leadership reference
in theory positive orientation in management 275
26. Teresa
Katarzyna BRATNICKA – Family
business: the state of the artand future research directions.................................................... 285
business: the state of the artand future research directions.................................................... 285
27. Д.В. КРИЛОВ – Organizational and economic factors affecting the implementation
of investment project in industrial enterprise......................................................................... 299
of investment project in industrial enterprise......................................................................... 299
28. Robert KUCĘBA, Edyta KULEJ-DUDEK – Low
emission management – social knowledge transfer platform 309
29. Andrzej LIMAŃSKI, Ireneusz DRABIK – A typology of strategies for the
internationalization of enterprises 323
30. Joanna MACHNIK-SŁOMKA – Technologycreativity and development strategies of high technology enterprises........................................................................................... 333
31. Aleksandra MAJ – Managerial controltools to assist in the enterprise.................................. 345
32. Rafał MATWIEJCZUK – Dynamic
capabilities concept as a basis for business competences development 355
33. Bogdan
NOGALSKI, Przemysław NIEWIADOMSKI – Lean prodction as a result of initiation of the implementation employees’ work – case study of the complexproduct implementation....................................................................................................... 365
34. Jacek PAGIEŁA – Diagnosis of safety culture in selected ueenterprises in the light of pilot study....................................................................................................................... 381
35. Krzysztof PAŁUCHA – Cooperation ofenterprises in the building process of the innovative capacity................................................................................................... 393
36. Jacek PASIECZNY, Beata GLINKA –
Areas of organizational dysfunctions...................... 405
37. Wojciech
Awareness strategy and management of strategic management universities the example of universities in Poland.................................................................................... 415
Awareness strategy and management of strategic management universities the example of universities in Poland.................................................................................... 415
38. Jan PYKA – Dilemmas of developmentof power industry in Poland.................................... 425
39. Aleksandra RACHWAŁ, Anna SĘDEK-MAZGAJ,
Radosław WOLNIAK – Risk assessment in the welding process.......................................................................................................................................... 441
40. Tadeusz SOROKA – Conditions forcreating a pro accommodative organization................. 451
41. Paweł SZEWCZYK – Impact of the Internet of Things on theeconomy and society............. 461
42. Karolina SZYMANIEC-MLICKA – Theidentification of strategic orientation of public medical entities in relation to volatility of their environment...................................... 471
43. Mateusz TRZECIAK, Seweryn SPAŁEK – Risk management within themethods of traditional and agile project management.......................................................................... 483
44. Radosław WOLNIAK – The impact ofprefered form of comunication on the customer’s with disability satisfaction in the case of e-administraction......................... 493
45. Mirosław WYPYCH – Value migration in warsaw stock – exchange’s industrial companies. 505
46. Dariusz WYRWA – The financial support to smart specializations throught the regional operational programmes.................................................................................... 515
47. Katarzyna ZADROS – Patient in medical subject -stakeholder, client and petitione............. 525
48. Czesław ZAJĄC – Periodic evaluation of managers andspecialists in corporate groups in the light of empirical research................................................................................ 535
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