INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 9
1. Agnieszka I. BARUK The level of employees’ contentment in the context of relationship aspects of organizational climate .............................................................. 11
2. Jerzy BARUK Do enterprises functioning in the European Union use public services supporting innovations? ...................................................................................... 23
3. Jacek BENDKOWSKI Foestering knowledge communities. Major challenges for organizations ................................................................................................................ 35
4. Henryk BIENIOK Creativity as a source of modernity and development of a company ..................................................................................................................... 47
5. Jan BRZÓSKA, Ilona JERZOK Concepts and applications of business
model in social economy organization ................................ ................................ .............. 59
6. A.B. CHEREP, T.Ю. ЧЕРНЯЄВ Necessity and value creation and development INDUSTRIAL PARK ,,DNIPRAL” ..................................................... 75
7. Marta CHOLEWA-WIKTOR EuropeanUnion funds a chance to improve functioning of public health care ....................................................................................... 85
8. Agnieszka CZERWIŃSKA-LUBSZCZYK, Anna MICHNA Proposition of the survey questionnaire to study the relationship between cooperation and performance of small and medium enterprises in construction sector .............................. 97
9. Ireneusz DRABIK Tendencies in flows of foreign direct investment in the modern global economy ........................................................................................ 107
10. Krzysztof DZIEKOŃSKI, Arkadiusz JURCZUK, Michał CHMAY – Project competencies in Podlasie companies .............................................................................. 119
11. Agnieszka DZIUBIŃSKA Strategic aspects of value creation to the client and enterprise ......................................................................................................................... 131
12. Bartłomiej GĘCA Risk management as an element of transformation from bureaucratic administration into well managed organization ......................................... 141
13. Eryk GŁODZIŃSKI Economic efficiency – dilemmas in definition and measurement ............................................................................................................. 155
14. Alicja E. GUDANOWSKA, Anna M. OLSZEWSKA Pro-quality techniques applied in Podlasie's companies – results of research on chosen units ........................... 169
15. Наталія ГУСЯТИНСЬКА, Тетяна ЧОРНА Modern aspects of product quality in the context of european integration processes in Ukraine .............................. 181
16. Дмитро ГУСЯТИНСЬКИЙ Priorities for sustainable development in the region . 193
17. Микола ГУСЯТИНСЬКИЙ The relevance of decentralization of financial relations in investment and innovative regional development strategies ........................ 201
18. Katarzyna HALICKA Technology management with the use of the method of technology roadmapping ............................................................................................. 211
19. Patrycja HĄBEK, Radosław WOLNIAK Sustainability reporting in Poland. Assessment of the current state ....................................................................................... 225
20. Lilla KNOP, Monika SZCZEPANIAK, Sławomir OLKO Social innovation in creative Europe in the context of Europe 2020 strategy ............................................. 239
21. Danuta KONDRACIUK Problems with the implementation of innovations policy in the Silesian province ........................................................................................ 255
22. Anna KONONIUK Foresight maturity of service and manufacturing enterprises ....................................................................................................................... 269
23. Ольга КОПЫЛОВА Innovations and fragmentation of the Ukrainian .................... 281
24. Andrzej KOZINA The selection of negotiation strategy (methodological rules & case study) .......................................................................................................... 291
25. Justyna KOZŁOWSKA Application of DEA method in measuring technical efficiency of polish service sector companies ................................................................. 305
26. Miloš KRÁĽ, Günter HOFBAUER Profitable using of method of currency CARRY TRADE in december 2012 on JPY/PLN ...................................... 319
27. Teresa KRAŚNICKA, Wojciech GŁÓD, Martyna WRONKA The concept, antecedents and significance of management innovation – the state of research on the phenomenon ....................................................................................... 333
28. Małgorzata KWIETNIEWSKA Evaluation of clusters initiatives and post cluster innovation policy ................................................................................... 351
29. Konrad ŁASKAWIEC The part the prosument on market of electric energy .......... 361
30. Marcin ŁAWECKI Multidimensional technology entrepreneurship as a specific type of entrepreneurship ............................................................................. 373
31. Andrzej MAGRUK The reference methodology for the design of hybrid systems in future studies .................................................................................. 385
32. Stanisław MARCINIAK Efficiency assessment of novel technical-organisational project holistic approach ....................................................... 399
33. Rafał MATWIEJCZUK Logistics concept as a factor influencing business management changes ........................................................................................ 409
34. Валентина МЕЛЬНИК, Олександр ЙОСИПЕНКО – Opportunities of obtaining by ukrainian enterprises of different forms of international loans ............. 421
35. Mieczysław MOSZKOWICZ The contemporary orientations of knowledge in management ......................................................................................... 429
36. Bogdan NOGALSKI, Przemysław NIEWIADOMSKI Improving a complex product as a manifestation of differentiation strategy on the market of agricultural mechanization ................................................................... 441
37. Anna M. OLSZEWSKA Usefulness of chosen tools and methods of quality improvement in Podlasie's entrepreneurs' assessment .................................... 459
38. Jacek PAGIEŁA Behavioral safety as part of shaping the culture of safety ............. 471
39. Krzysztof PAŁUCHA Acquisition by manufacturing enterprises customer orders using the provisions of the public procurement law ............................................ 481
40. Zofia PATORA-WYSOCKA Role of technology in the process of restructuring changes in textile and clothing companies ............................................ 495
41. Jan PYKA, Adam JANISZEWSKI Specificity of relational competence in network ................................................................................................... 505
42. Aleksandra RACHWAŁ, Anna SĘDEK, Radosław WOLNIAK Purchase process of parent and fillet welding materials based on CPR requirements for steel constructions .................................................................. 519
43. Jacek SITKO Problem analysis recycling of metallurgical waste ............................. 531
44. Aneta SKOWRON Selected aspects of cycle's research of customer order fulfillment in discreet manufacturing .................................................................... 541
45. Olha SOBKO Intellectual capital creation as a stimulus of economic development in Ukraine ............................................................................. 555
46. Dariusz SOBOTKIEWICZ The range of changes within the production functions of industrial enterprises - research report ........................................................ 569
47. Tadeusz SOROKA Product life cycle in the conditions of ultracompetition ............ 583
48. Joanna STASZEWSKA Restructuring of an energy company in the process of building its competitiveness ................................................................. 593
49. Stanisław STRZELCZAK Core ontology for manufacturing and logistics .............. 603
50. Stanisław STRZELCZAK Ontology-aided management ......................................... 619
51. Karolina SZYMANIEC-MLICKA The characteristic of the environment of public organizations .................................................................................................... 631
52. Krzysztof S. TARGIEL Real options in project management in contemporary organizations ........................................................................................ 641
53. Radosław WOLNIAK Corporate social responsibility reporting according to Grenelle II reqiorements ............................................................................................. 651
54. Mirosław WYPYCH Industry enterprises financial stability during the economic slowdown .................................................................................................. 663
55. Dariusz WYRWA The innovation of the enterprises in the divisions in manufacturing in the subcarpathian voivodeship ........................................................ 673
56. Anna WZIĄTEK-STAŚKO Intangible tools as the most efficient motivators in the diversity managed organizations based on the international empirical
research ........................................................................................................................... 687
57. Katarzyna ZADROS Etical or social responsibility in medical subjects .................. 701
58. Czesław ZAJĄC Instruments of strategic human resources management in capital groups (holdings) on the example of IMPEL S.A. ......................................... 711
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