1. Jacek BENDKOWSKI – Inter-organizational knowledge transfer in innovative product supply chain ……………………………......................................................... 7
2. Józef BENDKOWSKI – Stochastic storage problems. Selected issues ……………. 21
3. Jolanta BIJAŃSKA – About some problems in the evaluation of economice ffectiveness of development projects production enterprises ………………………. 37
4. Jan BRZÓSKA – Business models versus application of innovations in social companies …………………………………………………......................................... 51
5. Krystyna CZAPLICKA-KOLARZ, Mariusz KRUCZEK, Jerzy KOROL –
The material flow analyses in production system assessment on example of biocomposites ………………………………………………………………………... 69
6. Katarzyna DOHN – Knowledge flow in organisation – an attempt to conceptualize .. 85
7. Henryk DŹWIGOŁ – Premises for establishing research methods ………………... 99
8. Mariola DŹWIGOŁ-BAROSZ – Leader versus sex ………………………………. 117
9. Agnieszka GASCHI-UCIECHA – Interference logistics processes affectingthe functionality of the production company – research literature …………………... 131
10. Tomasz GOŚCINIAK – Analysis of signals from incident management process in IT systems to use them in decision making using artificial intelligence methods ... 143
11. Jadwiga GRABOWSKA – Evaluation group of experts to identify factors shapingthe logistics information system. Assumptions and description of the method selection factors and selection of experts ……………………………………………. 155
12. Adam GUMIŃSKI – The possibility analysis of increasing effectivenessof production means in longwall faces in collieries ………......................................... 167
13. Marzena KRAMARZ – Clusters and distribution networks for strengtheningthe resistance and adaptivity of supply chain ………………………………………... 179
14. Włodzimierz KRAMARZ – Problem of maturity process in supply chain ............... 193
15. Mariusz KRUCZEK, Edyta PRZYBYLSKA, Zbigniew ŻEBRUCKI –
Guidelines for research of innovation potential in TSL industry ……......................... 207
16. Mariusz KRUCZEK, Edyta PRZYBYLSKA, Zbigniew ŻEBRUCKI –
Significant of innowations in supply chain management ……………………………. 221
17. Katarzyna ŁYP – Admission board of management system the inpatient units …… 235
18. Katarzyna MARKOWSKA – The proposed course of outsourcing cooperationon the example of the rail transport of cargo ………………………………………… 249
19. Mirosław MATUSEK – Supplier selection process supporting sustainabledevelopment – using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to determine priorityfactors ………………………………………………………………………………... 263
20. Anna MICHNA, Karolina GRYGIEL, Paulina GRYGIEL – The recruitmentand employees motivation system as part of human resource managementin selected public administration
…………………………………………………….. 279
21. Anna MUSIOŁ-URBAŃCZYK – Methods supporting the implementation of development strategy of a local government unit ………………………………… 293
22. Anna OBER – Project management system as a part of innovation processin universities and other research institutions ………………………………………... 305
23. Monika ODLANICKA-POCZOBUTT, Arkadiusz SZMAL – Analysisof requirements in the distribution as a stage of logistic network designfor the selected manufacturer of wood based products …………………………….... 319
24. Monika ODLANICKA-POCZOBUTT – Location of own distribution pointsby applying the method of center of gravity for the selected manufacturer of woodbased products ……………………………………………………………………….. 335
25. Krzysztof PAŁUCHA – Innovation in the area of organization and managementand the competitiveness of enterprises ………………………………………………. 353
26. Magdalena PICHLAK – Innovation in services – an attempt to their conceptualization
…………………………………………………………………….. 367
27. Sebastian PIELES – Interference analysis of the logistics flows in the productioncompany – case study ……………………………....................................................... 379
28. Marzena PODGÓRSKA – The risk management in the small project – the casestudy ………………………………………………………………………………….. 395
29. Katarzyna SIENKIEWICZ-MAŁYJUREK – Model of interorganisational collaboration. A theoretical study on the example of public safety management …… 407
30. Barbara SORYCHTA-WOJSCZYK – Conditions of use of civic budget in public administration in Poland ……………………………………………………………... 421
31. Kamil SZYMAŃSKI – The concept of identification key management errors in manufacturing companies ………………………………………………................. 431
32. Seweryn TCHÓRZEWSKI – Barriers in the process of transfer of experiencewith the completed project – preliminary studies ……………………………………. 443
33. Joanna TOCZYŃSKA – Innovativeness of educational services and university ….. 457
34. Marian TUREK, Izabela JONEK-KOWALSKA – Competitivness in a mining enterprise – proposal of its improvement by application of new conception of costmanagement ………………………………………………………………………….. 475
35. Maria WENGIEREK – Analysis and evaluation of municipal waste managementin selected cities of Silesia region ……………………………………………………. 489
36. Karolina WIELICKA-GAŃCZARCZYK – Problems in the applicationof economic indicators in evaluation of financial condition of health care entity …… 505
37. Dorota WIĘCEK – Corrected variant cost during estimating product costs ……….. 517
38. Janusz WÓJCIK – The use of project management methods in a smalland medium enterprises ………………………………………………………............ 529
39. Wojciech ZOLEŃSKI – The multi-criteria evaluations in decision problems ……... 541
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