FOREWORD….................................................................................................................. 11
1. Yurii VASILEV – Determination of coal production competitiveness of the RussianFederation ……………………........................................................................................ 13
2. Sergei FOMIN, Mikhail MARININ – Determination the capacity of miningequipment in the design phase of reclamation ……………………..……………… 25
3. Oksana MARININA, Mariy TOCHILO – Analysis of the possibility of usingmodern risk assessment methods in mining industry …………………….……………. 37
4. Tomasz NAWROCKI, Izabela JONEK-KOWALSKA – Fuzzy logic in riskassessment of a mining enterprise in the context of Polish economic conditions …….. 49
5. Marina Anatolievna NEVSKAYA, Oxana Ruslanovna KABAK – Stateregulation of mining and mineral processing waste …..……….……………………… 67
6. Diana DMITRIEVA – Methodical bases of formulating the strategy for large potashcompanies …………………………..……………………….…………………………. 79
7. Tatiana PONOMARENKO, Anna LEONOVICH – Justification of constructionprinciples for the model of economic results achievement in a multilevel company ..... 91
8. Michael S. AßLÄNDER – Beyond the tool-box – CSR examined froma philosophical perspective………………………………………..………………….... 101
9. Aleksandra KUZIOR, Bartłomiej KNOSALA – Changes in perception andimplementation of CSR in the Polish enterprises ……………………………...……… 119
10. Jarosław MIKOŁAJEC – Ethical responsibility for the future generations globalsociety in the perspective of climatic catastrophe in the context of the Giddensparadox…………………………………………………………….............................. 131
11. Remigiusz KOZUBEK – The link between innovation and CSR. Short look ona bi-directional system of innovation-driven CSR and CSR-driveninnovation…………………………………………………………………….………...
12. Mariusz ZIELIŃSKI – Profitability of CSR from the perspective of HRM …….…. 155
13. Karolina RĄB, Łukasz RĄB – Precariat and precarious work as negative factorsaffectinging Sustainable Development ……………………………………...…...…… 167
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