Wiesława CAPUTA Consumer income as a determinant of the profitability of the leaders of the beer market in Poland .............................................................................. 15
Wiesława CAPUTA The selected demographic factors as a determinant of customer loyalty ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Maria KOTAS Measuring success on the example of social services organisations ......... 39
Agnieszka KOWALSKA-STYCZEŃ Leadership modelling in organisations – computer model assumptions ................................................................................................... 51
Anna MICHNA, Anna MĘCZYŃSKA Motivations, expectations and experience of participants of doctoral programs at the Faculty of Organization and Management, Silesian University of Technology ........................................................................................... 61
Tomasz L. NAWROCKI Identification of an intelligent organization basing on listed companies financial data and ratios comparative analysis ............................................ 71
Magdalena PICHLAK Business model design in the creative industries .......................... 83
Joanna RYDAROWSKA-KURZBAUER Changes in innovation position of selected Central and Eastern European countires ................................................................ 93
Adam R. SZROMEK, Krzysztof HERMAN, Mateusz NARAMSKI Innovation, enterpreneuship and competitivenes in the creation and operation of postindustrial tourism objects ....................................................................................................................... 103
Danuta SZWAJCA Crisis situation management as verifier of company`s intelligence ............................................................................................................................. 115
Danuta SZWAJCA The importance of dialogue with stakeholders in creating corporate reputation as intelligent organization ..................................................................... 127
Marian TUREK, Izabela JONEK-KOWALSKA Regional coal industry in the perspective of intelligent specializations for Silesia and changes in energy balance ............ 139
Katarzyna TWOREK, Janusz MARTAN Simplicity of organizational structure in the context of organizational simplicity research ............................................................... 151
Marcin WYSKWARSKI AI methods in intelligent organization .................................... 159
Dariusz ZDONEK Administrative employee’s improvement of knowledge and skills from ICT in development context of intelligent organizations .............................. 169
Dariusz ZDONEK Market development of ICT training services in the cotext of the educational needs of information society ..................................................................... 181
Iwona ZDONEK Knowledge externalization in organization case study ..................... 193
Iwona ZDONEK, Maciej WOLNY The potential of employee – research model concept ........................................................................................................................ 205
Mariusz ZIELIŃSKI Personnel conditions of creation of intelligent organization ......... 217
Bogusława ZIÓŁKOWSKA Benefits of virtual business and enterprises in Poland ...... 231
Part II
Joanna BARTNICKA, Agnieszka ZIĘTKIEWICZ, Grzegorz KOWALSKI Identification and description of factors affecting the effectiveness of work during the performance of surgical procedures ................................................................................. 241
Dagmara BUBEL Observation on the sequence of decision making in management practice and theory ................................................................................................................. 253
Łukasz DZIEMBA GIS and AR systems in supporting the management of crisis situations ................................................................................................................................. 265
Dorota GAWROŃSKA Model assessment of usefulness of area for wind energy in the conditions of uncertainty .............................................................................................. 277
Dorota GAWROŃSKA Evaluation of project on the basis of specific criteria in the course of action – energy efficiency and renewable energy infrastructure and public housing ................................................................................................................. 285
Agata GLUZICKA Linear models of selection multiperiod investment strategies .......... 295
Jarosław GRZESIEK Analysis of the possibility of process beneficiation control of coal ..................................................................................................................................... 307
Agata JAKUBOWSKA, Aleksandra GRABOWSKA-POWAGA Trust influence on taking decisions of economic entities on the market ........................................................ 315
Adrianna MASTALERZ-KODZIS, Ewa POŚPIECH Quantitative models in constructing investment strategy ............................................................................................ 325
Aneta MICHALAK Conditions connected with capital in terms of mining enterprise management on the basis of polish coal enterprises .............................................. 337
Jerzy MIZGAŁA Organizational problems in the process of repair and modernization of the lifting equipment in Poland .......................................................................................... 349
Anna MULARCZYK, Beata HYSA The development and prospects of solar energy in Poland and the province of Silesia ..................................................................................... 361
Ewa POŚPIECH, Adrianna MASTALERZ-KODZIS Multi-criteria method choice to investment decision making ............................................................................................... 379
Artur TOMASZEWSKI Model of the two-person non-zero-sum game as a tool to analyze two competitors on a polish television market ..................................................... 389
Mateusz TRZECIAK, Seweryn SPAŁEK The role of stakeholders in risk management in the planning phase of the project ................................................................. 399
Maciej WOLNY Importance of inter-criteria information in the multiple criteria decision making ..................................................................................................................... 411
Mariusz ZIELIŃSKI, Maciej WOLNY Short-term employment reactions to changes in economic conditions in the Central and Eastern Europe countries .................. 423
Part III
Arkadiusz BOCZKOWSKI, Artur KUBOSZEK The use computer simulation methods for the development of strategies actions aimed at reducing noise at workplace .... 435
Witold BRANDYS, Adam GAŁUSZKA Hierarchical game approach to solve conflicts in multiagent systems ............................................................................................. 445
Anna BRZOZOWSKA, Judyta KABUS Sources of decision-making in e-services ..... 457
Tomasz JAMKA, Ireneusz J. JÓŹWIAK, Michał SZCZEPANIK The strategy of generating predictable customers influx to the company ....................................................... 469
Piotr JANKE Model analysis research use existing degree of electronic services of public administration ......................................................................................................... 479
Adrian KAPCZYŃSKI Challenging the problem of authentication of users participating in blended strategy meetings ............................................................................. 489
Marcin LEJA, Ireneusz J. JÓŹWIAK Text document processing strategy based on heuristic data analysis ............................................................................................. 499
Tomasz OWCZAREK, Adam SOJDA, Konrad KACZMAREK The influence of number of predictors on accuracy of classification algorithms based on trees ...................... 507
Marcin SOBOTA Socio-ecomomic asoects of e-voting .................................................. 519
Karol STASIŃSKI, Ireneusz J. JÓŹWIAK Strategies of reconstruction of three-dimentional objects basing on sets of two-dimantional objects ............................................ 527
Artur SZLESZYŃSKI Confidentiality of information resources management in ICT systems ........................................................................................................................ 537
Marcin WYSKWARSKI Customer relationship management with use of aplications availalble in SaaS model ........................................................................................................ 549
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